Bilka´s Sisters
These children really need YOUR help...

Qudrat is four years old and lives in the ghetto with her father, mother and brother Abbas. Kudrat should be in preschool but because of age of their parents and Abbas disabilities the family need her help at home. Kudrat need to play and go to school with other children and be and live like a little four year old girl should be allowed to do. Help Kudrat by becoming a sponsor today.

This Is Victoria, she Is three years old and is twin with Victor. They live with their parents in one room and have no money. As you can see Victoria have a disfunction in her left leg. The family have went to Hospital specialised in disability in Dar Es Salaam and they gave them a price which is not possible for the family to pay.
Victoria really need your help, together we can help her to get her protés.

Esther lives in a small room with her father and mother. They have no electricity and access to water is difficult for them. Esther's father trying to raise money through the streets walking around and polishing shoes. There is no guarantee that he gets some clients and some days they have no money for food. We do not want Esther to have to start working as a small child. Ester need your help
This Is Silole, she is 3 years old and live with her mother in Ilala Boma under very poor conditions. She Is supposed to start nursery school but her mother can not afford that. Silole need your help, be a part of our organisation and help Silole to have a chance to start nursery school and be able to learn and play with others at her age. Become Sponsor Today

Fatuma Is the youngest child and the only girl in Family Cambuso. She is at nursery school but also she need to help her grandmother and run for water both before and after school. Their mother and father left home one day and never came back, the children stay with their grandmother. Their living conditions are very difficult. They have no money for school uniforms or materials in school. As a girl you don´t have the same rights as a boy or later a women as a man. Women don´t know their rights and often they end up home at an early age to take resposability for both household and all children. We don´t want Fatuma to end up taking care of children while she is still a child. She have the right to get an education and to be able to be a child and play as all children should do. Fatuma needs your help.
Become a sponsor for Fatuma today and fill in the form.
This is Coletha Elias, she's only 2 years old and lives with her mother. Her father disappeared when the mother was pregnant with Coletha. Coletha need urgent medical attention because she has no longer strength in her legs to be able to stand up. . Mom Joha says that she could stand up before but from one day to another, it was as if she lost the strenght in both legs.

Afara was left when she was newborn. She has never met her mother after that. She lives in a room with her grandmother. Girls have to take a lot of responsibility at home when it comes to household, we believe that all children have the right to be children, all children should have the right to go to school. Arafa is completely orphaned and needs your help.
Become a sponsor today